Five Fire Pit Safety Tips to Know Before You Build

Fire pits offer unique ambience to any landscape. However, as they involve flammable materials, you must follow recommended fire pit care tips to avoid injury and property damage in Los Angeles, CA. These tips involve placement, maintenance and use to ensure your fire pit remains a featured bonus to your yard, rather than a hazard. Here are five fire pit safety tips to keep your yard safe:

  • Consider placement carefully: The location of your fire pit determines its safety. Choose level ground that is not combustible and is at least 10 feet from any structures or foliage. If you wish to install a fire pit in a grassy area, set up a slab of flat stones or bricks to create a fireproof surface. For a permanent solution, consider pouring concrete or creating a hardscape island that is dedicated to socializing around the fire pit. This also makes it easier to control overhanging trees or plants that could lead to a fire hazard.

  • Choose safe fuel sources: If you are installing a fire pit under a covered patio, consider using a propane fire pit rather than a wood-burning one. Not only will you likely create an unpleasant smoky space, but embers can reach the ceiling and catch it on fire. When you install a propane fire pit under a covered patio, keep the sides open so excess heat can dissipate without damaging the space.

  • Never burn overnight: It can be rather tempting to go to bed with the fire pit still active, as it is contained and you never saw any threat coming from it while you were outside. However, you should never leave any fire unattended. Before you leave for the night, wait for the flames to be as low as possible and put them out with water. Use a shovel to move the ashes around and ensure all embers are out. Once ash is cool, sweep it into a metal can for disposal. If you would rather skip all these steps and have a fire pit that turns on and off quickly, choose propane rather than wood.

  • Keep a fire extinguisher nearby: Always keep a hose, bucket or fire extinguisher near your fire pit. While nothing bad may happen, it’s essential that you remain prepared in case the fire gets out of control. Purchase a mesh spark screen to keep embers contained, and use a poker or tongs to move logs around.

  • Never burn trash: Burning trash is illegal in most municipalities, and it’s dangerous. Food waste, paper and other common garbage produces more embers, and that risks spreading fire outside of your pit. Even with propane fire pits, you risk embers but also damage to the ignition system. If you are outside enjoying a barbecue with your fire pit, keep a separate receptacle for garbage to reduce the temptation to burn trash.

RainforestLA, Inc. offers hardscape solutions, including fire pits, in Los Angeles, CA. Contact us today if you’d like to learn more fire pit safety tips and fire pit care tips, or if you’d like to schedule an estimate for your next landscaping vision.


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